Archive for March, 2012

NCR Tongod: Mahkamah Tinggi tolak rayuan tiga syarikat

New Sabah Times: 22nd March, 2012

KOTA KINABALU: Mahkamah Tinggi di sini menolak yang dikemukakan oleh tiga syarikat terhadap keputusan oleh Timbalan Pendaftar yang menolak permohonan mereka untuk menggugurkan tuntutan penduduk tempatan terhadap Hak Tanah Adat (NCR) di Tongod, Kinabatangan.

Launching Ceremony - Communal Title

Hakim Dato’ Abdul Rahman Sebli membuat keputusan itu kelmarin di kamarnya apabila kes itu untuk diputuskan.

Syarikat-syarikat itu ialah Hap Seng Consolidated Bhd, Asiatic Development Bhd dan Tanjung Bahagia Sdn Bhd sebelum ini dinamakan sebagai defendan pertama, kedua dan ketiga oleh penduduk (plaintif) yang terdiri dari Darinsok Pangiran Apan, 84, Kayah Unto, 45, Wilster Lewrince, 50, Jaafar Dorong, 52, dan Jaimon Darinsok, 45.

Menurut Peguam, Datuk Kong Hong Ming, yang mewakili plaintif, mahkamah menolak rayuan defendan atas tiga alasan.

Alasan pertama bidang kuasa Penolong Pemungut Hasil Tanah (ACLR) adalah terhad untuk menentukan tuntutan NCR terhadap tanah negeri dan bukan tanah pindah milik.

“Perkara tanah dalam tindakan ini ialah pemindahan tanah seluas 21,000 ekar,” katanya.

Kedua, kata Kong satu isu serius yang perlu dibicarakan sama ada Pengarah Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur dan Kerajaan Negeri sama ada salah atau tidak mengikut undang-undang memindahkan tanah itu kepada defendan pertama.

Dan ketiga, katanya plaintif menuntut bukan saja terhad kepada NCR.

“Atas alasan ini hakim memutuskan terdapat merit terhadap tuntutan oleh plaintif,” katanya sambil menambah hakim juga menetapkan penerusan perbicaraan pada 18 Sept tahun ini.

Plaintif diwakili oleh Peguam, Kong dan Mary Lee Chung Ching juga menamakan Pengarah Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur sebagai defendan keempat dan Kerajaan Negeri sebagai defendan kelima.

Plaintif ini telah menyaman bagi pihak mereka dan semua pemilik, penduduk dan juga penuntut tanah NCR di Kampung Maliau, Kampung Minusoh, Kampung Liupampang, Kampung Namukon, Kampung Mananam, Kampung Napagang, and Kampung Lanung di Daerah Kinabatangan (dirujuk sebagai ‘kawasan Tongod’), yang mempunyai penduduk kira-kira 6,000 orang dan mereka memulakan tindakan pada 11 Okt di Mahkamah Tinggi pada 11 Okt 2002.

Pada 2003, defendan telah memohon untuk menggugurkan tuntutan plaintif dengan alasan Mahkamah Tinggi tidak mempunyai bidang kuasa untuk mendengar tuntutan plaintif itu.

Bagaimanapun Timbalan Pendaftar Mahkamah Tinggi yang mendengar kes itu menolak permohonan defendan dan memutuskan Mahkamah Tinggi mempunyai kuasa untuk mendengar tuntutan itu.

Berdasarkan fakta kes, defendan pertama pada Feb 1997, memohon sebidang tanah keluasan 25,000 ekar di Daerah Kinabatangan.

Surat tawaran dikeluarkan setelah dan jumlah bayaran premium juga dinyatakan dan geran dikeluarkan kepada pemilik pertama pada 4 Mei 1998 terhadap tanah itu.

Empat tahun selepas itu, plaintif memohon melalui surat pada 13 Jan 2002 kepada ACLR Kinabatangan meminta inkuari umum untuk memastikan NCR mereka di bawah seksyen diberikan 13, 14, dan 15 Ordinan Tanah Sabah.

Defendan pertama diwakili oleh peguam Flora Dius dan juga Datuk Simon Shim manakala Peguam Michael Denis Tan mewakili defendan kedua dan ketiga dan Peguam Negeri mewakili defendan keempat dan kelima.

via New Sabah Times.

21st International Seaweed Symposium 2013

The 21 International Seaweed Symposium will be held in Bali, Indonesia, April 21-26, 2013.

The theme of the 21 International Seaweed Symposium is “Seaweed Science for Sustainable Prosperity”.

The International Seaweed Symposium ISS is held every three years under the auspices of the International Seaweed Association ISA. For more than six decades it has been the foremost international symposium for individuals and organizations involved with seaweed research and utilization.

Scientific research plays a fundamental role in developing seaweed cultivation and seaweed industries. The ISS provides a forum for scientists, technologists, business people and resource managers to present their latest research results, exchange ideas and develop new synergies.

The 21 International Seaweed Symposium is being held in Bali, Indonesia in the heart of the Coral Triangle where seaweed farming employs tens of thousands of coastal people in family enterprises.

Seaweed utilization in the Coral Triangle has developed primarily in response to raw material demands of the carrageenan and agar industries. There is vast potential for expansion and diversification of seaweed production and utilization in the region including development of seaweeds as components of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture IMTA systems.

There is a clear and present need for expanded scientific research and development to enable economically and environmentally sustainable seaweed industry development not only in the Coral Triangle but also in other coastal regions throughout the world. It is a goal of the 21 International Seaweed Symposium to catalyze support for such scientific activities.

SOURCE: 21st International Seaweed Symposium.


By: Galus Ahtoi

Pagi tadi 21 Mac 2012, lebih kurang 150 orang hadir di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu untuk mendengar keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu YA Datuk Abdul Rahman bin Sebli terhadap rayuan 3 Defendant Hap Seng Consolidated Bhd, Asiatic Sdn. Bhd & Tanjung Bahagia Sdn. Bhd terhadap Keputusan Pendaftar Mahkamah..Enc 87 & Enc 92. Keputusannya, Hakim telah MENOLAK rayuan pihak defendant atas sebab tiga 3 alasan iaitu

1. PPHT hanya berkuasa ke atas Tanah Kerajaan State land-tidak untuk yang sudah diberikan geran…

2. Pihak Plaintif juga ada mencabar keputusan Pengarah Tanah dan Ukur Sabah dan kerajaan sabah yang memberikan geran kepada orang lain atas Tanah Adat NCR mereka – tidak ikut perlembagaan…

3. Tuntutan Plaintif ada Merit…Hakim juga MENOLAK rayuan pihak Defendant yang merayu supaya prosiding ini ditangguhkan…Atas permintaan pihak Plantif, Hakim telah menetapkan tarikh bicara iaitu bermula pada 18 September 2012 selama dua 2 minggu…

Tahniah kepada Peguam Datuk Kong Hong Ming, warga JGPT Tongod dan seluruh yang hadir menyokong kes ini.. termasuk rakan-rakan dari pihak keselamatan-POLIS dan SB….

Nota: Kes ini ialah SK22-245-2002- Darinsuk Pangiran Apan & 4 ors VS Hap Seng Consolidated Bhd, Asiatic Sdn. Bhd, Tanjung Bahagia Sdn. Bhd, Pengarah Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur Sabah & Kerajaan Negeri Sabah..Kes ini difailkan pada Tahun 2002 dan kalah di Mahkamah Tinggi, kalah di Mahkamah Rayuan TETAPI MENANG di Mahkamah

How Do You Cite a Tweet in an Academic Paper? – Atlantic Mobile

It’s simple. Also, I just love the “Tweet” at the end. However, it’s curious that no URL is required, especially given the difficulty of Twitter search for anything not said in the past day or two.Here’s a deeper look at the instructions:

Begin the entry in the works-cited list with the author’s real name and, in parentheses, user name, if both are known and they differ. If only the user name is known, give it alone. Next provide the entire text of the tweet in quotation marks, without changing the capitalization. Conclude the entry with the date and time of the message and the medium of publication Tweet.

For example: Athar, Sohaib ReallyVirtual. “Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM is a rare event.” 1 May 2011, 3:58 p.m. Tweet.

The date and time of a message on Twitter reflect the reader’s time zone. Readers in different time zones see different times and, possibly, dates on the same tweet. The date and time that were in effect for the writer of the tweet when it was transmitted are normally not known. Thus, the date and time displayed on Twitter are only approximate guides to the timing of a tweet.Via Thomas, Matt mattthomas. “This. RT @JenHoward How do you cite a tweet? The MLA is glad you asked. You did ask, didn’t you?” 2 March 2012, 2:21pm. Tweet.

via How Do You Cite a Tweet in an Academic Paper? – Atlantic Mobile.

Solution – Endnotes Slowing Down Computer

EndNote X1 and earlier: Quote from Endnote site

You should be able to install and run EndNote, however EndNote X1 and earlier were not designed for 64-bit environments. Therefore, there are some major compatibility and performance issues especially when working with Microsoft Word, as described below. Should you encounter any issues please contact Customer Technical Support using the “Contact us” link at the top of this page, but please be aware that technical support for EndNote may be limited in these environments.

When using the EndNote Cite While You Write tools in Microsoft Word on a PC running Windows XP Professional x64 edition or Vista x64 edition, you may find that there is a noticeable lag when performing certain basic functions in Windows. For example, you may see a delay when switching between open applications or when bringing up the Start menu. We have identified a workaround that prevents this lag.

In Word 2002 XP/2003, select Tools / EndNote / Format Bibliography. In Word 2007, go to the “Add-ins” tab and EndNote / Format Bibliography. With EndNote X1/X2 and Word 2007, hit ALT+3 on your keyboard to bring up the Format Bibliography screen. Select the “Instant Formatting” tab. Select the “Settings” button. Uncheck the two boxes labeled “Scan for temporary citations” and “Check for citation changes.” Click OK, and then OK again.This will prevent the lag when working with the current document.

To prevent it from occurring in future documents… In Word 2002 XP/2003, select Tools / EndNote / Cite While You Write Preferences. In Word 2007, go to the “Add-ins” tab and EndNote / Cite While You Write Preferences. Uncheck the two boxes labeled “Scan for temporary citations” and “Check for citation changes”.

Note that this does not disable Instant Formatting or Cite While You Write. It simply alters the way Instant Formatting works so that the functions that trigger the lag issue are not invoked.

Public Health & Land Use Planning

The link between health and sustainability is so apparent to me that I forget that many people, even those with expertise in the fields of planning and sustainability, do not always understand the many ways in which human health is affected by the shape, form, design and function of the communities in which people live. But just as importantly, I forget that many professionals and decision-makers within the municipal sector do not understand the important role that public health professionals can and do play in their communities.

Collectively, these health units have worked with their municipal colleagues to: assess alternative fuels and retrofits for their corporate fleets; develop idling control policies for their corporate operations and communities; reduce pesticide use on municipal and private property; establish heat alert and response programs for their communities; promote reductions in energy use at home and on the road; and demonstrate the health benefits associated with public transit and active transportation.

Adopted From:  Public Health & Land Use Planning.